Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly (A.K.A.) Epithalone
Flying in under the radar for the past 10 years is a little tetrapeptide known as Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly. This 4 mer peptide is a replica of a secretion produced by the pineal gland and has some amazing results/potential.
As we all know the benefits of telomerase, I won’t go into detail about that now but will say that Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly has been proven in lab studies to not only activate telomerase but actually cause telomere elongation.
Now here is a little (actually very big) kicker! In lab tests this tetrapeptide does NOT activate telomerase in cancerous cells. In fact, at lower doses it actually inhibits growth. How can this be? More research needs to be done on that but the results are there.
Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly, so far, has not shown any toxicity or bad side effects. Human trials have been done on elderly and a few brave souls have begun home trialing of this tetrapeptide. I have personally started to trial with this but as I have just started recently I do not have any conclusive things to report yet, except that it has not had any bad side effects for me. I have experienced things that can potentially be put off to placebo effect so I will not categorically state those as being due to the Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly. My gray hair seems to have subsided ( I would say a decrease of about 10%). I have much more energy and can recover from heavy exercise more rapidly. My sex drive is up. My focus appears better. I sleep very deeply at night and have started to have (remember) dreaming again. I also no longer fall asleep at my computer during the day. A problem I have been facing for the past couple of years.
The later part of those effects can be directly related to the increased production of melatonin. This again is one of the known results of Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly from lab, animal and human trials.
If you are interested in testing this peptide in your lab, you can send a message through the contact form on this site and ask about Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly. I would also like to encourage anyone trialing this peptide to add their experiences to the Forum.
Hugo Walker
Update: 2-3-2013
I stopped trialing AGAG (Epitalon) some time ago now and am still taking on a rather regular basis. In my opinion, the effects I have had are more internal than external. I definitely feel younger, have more energy, can work out better then every before, endurance is fantastic, lost most of my old aches and pains, lowered my blood pressure and the list goes on and on. There are just too many things that have changed for me to put it off to placebo or other.
As for visually. I seem to have gotten down to around the look of a 35 to 40 year old, depends on who I talk to. I most definitely no longer look like 51, coming up on 52 now. People do doubt me and ask to see my ID on occasion. It is fun to watch their expression when I do show it to them. Some even examine it to see if it is a fake, LOL. But it is also important for me to note that I do not seem to be getting past that point, and, there are certain things, some of my wrinkles and some of the gray hair on the right side of my head, that just don’t seem to improve. Is it possible that some things can just degrade past the point of recovery, at least from AGAG? I am starting to think that there are some limits. Regardless, the change I have had is a great welcome and I am so happy that I found Epitalon.